Here we will discuss all things Panama, its natural beauty, and secrets to looking young and healthy!


Hello World! My name is Clara Villarreal, and I am an Estetician and Massage Therapist living in Panama City Panama. I am originally from Colombia, but have been living in Panama City for 5 years. I have a small studio in San Francisco, Panama City, Panama, where I practice my beauty secrets and massage to help my clients look and feel young and healthy. I love my home country of Colombia, but I must tell you that it is very mountainous and the temperatures are very cool in many parts of the country, such as Bogota, for much of the year. I have very sensitive skin, and the cool climate would have me breaking out with allergies for much of the year. That is the main reason I decided to come here to Panama where it is warm and tropical year round and the weather is good. Panama City is a very exciting place to live and work, with many sights and adventures to behold.

I have created this blog to share with all of you what I know of Panama, to discover more, and to help my followers when they come to Panama to vacation or to live, to adjust more easily and to know what where and how to do the things they need here! Also I will put of lots of fun and interesting posts about taking care of oneself, caring for the skin, the benefits and therapy of different types of massage, and general tips to be more healthy and live a longer more enjoyable life!

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First I want to Introduce myself! HI! That’s me, Clara! I am originally from Tolima, Colombia, and I grew up in the Capital City of Bogota. Can you believe that I am over 40 years old? I have daughter who is 21, and a grandson. We live with my husband, David in the «barrio» of Vista Hermosa in Panama City, very near the train station at Fernandez de Cordoba.

I was a preschool teacher for many years before moving to Panama, and when I arrived I decided to change careers due to the explosion of hospitality and tourism here. I pursued training in Bogota of 1 year and have been performing my trade since 2012. My daughter studies to be an engineer, and my husband works with professional golfers that tour in the United States. We love Panama very much, and we have traveled extensively here in the country.

Well, that’s enough about me! I am sure that you all are eager to read more posts about Panama, such as how to travel, how to get around, places to go, hotels, sights to see, restaurants, how the government works, healthcare, safety, and many other important topics. I work very hard at my job and with my family, but I will try and post at least 2 times per week and very soon I will be creating a newsletter. If anyone is in the city and would like to receive a massage or some type of beauty treatment, please call my cell, 63771534, or come to the salon. I am inside of Belleza Capill’ Col, near the corner of Via Espana and Via Porras, just down from the CASA de BATERIAS. we are on the left side, before the Super Mercado 99. This is in San Francisco/El Cangrejo between the metro stations of Via Argentina and Fernandez de Cordoba! Thanks for reading my page. I am just learning English, and my husband David does all of my translation and typing so please be patient with me as I learn more! CIAO!!!